
Promoted by DE-MINIMIS!

A stron­gly ex­pan­ding part of the pro­ducts our com­pa­ny has to of­fer are retreads.

Con­su­mer de­mand has been on a steady in­cre­a­se due to the avail­ab­le cost sa­vings and the eco­lo­gi­cal be­ne­fits. We have in stock all si­zes of ty­res for trucks and light-trucks.
In coope­ra­ti­on with lea­ding Busi­nes­ses of the Eu­ro­pean retrea­ding in­dus­try
we insu­re you ex­cel­lent qua­li­ty and gre­at prices.

Visit also our Online-Shop…
All leading tire brands for your truck in the range!

» click here «


Construction area pattern (truck)

Street pattern (truck)