Foun­ded in March 1976

Volkmar Hagen Reifengrosshandel e.K.

spe­cia­li­ses in tyre ca­sings, used ty­res and retreads for trucks and light-trucks. Re­cent­ly, the com­pa­ny also deals in new tyres.

Through the hard work, di­li­gence and ho­nes­ty of our staff,
our com­pa­ny has be­co­me a world­wi­de suc­cess­ful­ly ope­ra­ting tyre tra­ding company.

Pro­tec­ted from tem­pe­ra­tures, sun­light and hu­mi­di­ty, you can ex­pect the hig­hest qua­li­ty tyres.

On fair con­di­ti­ons the­re are tyre ca­sings, used ty­res, retreads and new ty­res at Volk­mar Hagen.

Volkmar Hagen | Tire wholesale in Aichach


Since 1976

De­ca­des of ex­pe­ri­ence in truck and com­mer­cial ve­hi­cle ti­res. You are in good hands with us!

Huge range of tyres

We have a huge ran­ge of new ti­res, used ti­res, Tyre Ca­sings and retrea­ded tires.

Fair prices

Whe­ther Tyre Ca­sings, retrea­ded, used or new truck ti­res — you will find them here at in­te­res­ting prices.

All leading tire brands for your truck in the range


Je­sus is for us the most im­portant per­son who has ever en­t­e­red the earth.
He ope­ned the door to Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther through his life, de­ath, and resurrection.

We live in this re­la­ti­ons­hip and ex­pe­ri­ence every day his love and his pas­sa­ge even in dif­fi­cult situations.

Talk to Him — He an­s­wers prayer!

In­vest a few mi­nu­tes to un­der­stand why we be­lie­ve what we believe.

May­be that will chan­ge your life too!

Un­der this link the­re are free ser­mons to lis­ten to!

Use this  » Link ‹ to get the­re free ser­mons to lis­ten to!