Tyre Casings​

The ca­sing tra­de is our core business.

The worn-out ty­res are re­ne­wed by the retrea­ding in­dus­try and thus re­cei­ve an ad­di­tio­nal life.
All tyre ca­sings are re­vi­sed by our qua­li­fied and ex­pe­ri­en­ced staff and che­cked for sui­ta­bi­li­ty for retreading.

As uni­que as each in­di­vi­du­al ca­sing is, as uni­que are the cus­to­mer de­man­ds.
We like to be con­si­de­ra­te of your buy­ing cri­te­ria and give you our best offer.

Plea­se no­ti­fy in your re­quest to us what exact­ly you need. (Quan­ti­ty, qua­li­ty, max. age, brand groups, etc.)

Basically, we distinguish between the following categories:

  • Qua­li­ty I > Ori­gi­nal ty­res, no ma­jor re­pair needed
  • Qua­li­ty IB > Ori­gi­nal ty­res, re­pair work nee­ded (e.g. da­ma­ge to the tread)
  • Qua­li­ty II > Al­rea­dy retrea­ded ty­res (for retrea­ding of con­struc­tion sites and re­gio­nal trans­port tyres)

All leading tire brands for your truck in the range!

Inquire now!

We are plea­sed about your message

Plea­se let us know exact­ly what you need in your in­qui­ry.
(Quan­ti­ty, qua­li­ty, max age, brand groups etc.)

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