Volkmar Hagen

Wholesale of truck tires in Aichach


Since 1976

De­ca­des of ex­pe­ri­ence in truck and com­mer­cial ve­hi­cle ti­res. You are in good hands with us!


Huge range of tyres

​We have a huge ran­ge of new ti­res, used ti­res, Tyre Ca­sings and retrea­ded tires.

Fair Prices

Whe­ther Tyre Ca­sings, retrea­ded, used or new truck ti­res — you will find them here at in­te­res­ting prices.

Used Tyres

Of­ten, the full po­ten­ti­al of a truck tyre is un­de­ruti­li­sed af­ter it is re­mo­ved. This me­ans that the tyre still has en­ough tread to be used for several more thousands of ki­lo­me­ters or still can be “re­groo­ved”. The lat­ter can be car­ri­ed out by us on re­quest. (Dri­ve tyre, trai­ler tyre and fol­lower) We can also of­fer used rims. cat. 1: (6mm +) cat. 2: (3mm – 5mm) cat. 3: (2mm – 3mm…

Retreads — promoted by DE-MINIMIS!

A stron­gly ex­pan­ding part of the pro­ducts our com­pa­ny has to of­fer are retreads.

Con­su­mer de­mand has been on a steady in­cre­a­se due to the avail­ab­le cost sa­vings and the eco­lo­gi­cal be­ne­fits. We have in stock all si­zes of ty­res for trucks and light-trucks.
In coope­ra­ti­on with lea­ding Busi­nes­ses of the Eu­ro­pean retrea­ding in­dus­try
we insu­re you ex­cel­lent qua­li­ty and gre­at prices.

Pro­mo­ted by DE-MINIMIS!

Tyre Casings

The ca­sing tra­de is our core busi­ness. The worn-out ty­res are re­ne­wed by the retrea­ding in­dus­try and thus re­cei­ve an ad­di­tio­nal life. All tyre ca­sings are re­vi­sed by our qua­li­fied and ex­pe­ri­en­ced staff and che­cked for sui­ta­bi­li­ty for retrea­ding. As uni­que as each in­di­vi­du­al ca­sing is, as uni­que are the cus­to­mer de­man­ds. We like to be con­si­de­ra­te of your buy­ing cri­te­ria and give you our best of­fer. Ba­si­cal­ly we distinguish…

New Tyres

In or­der to of­fer our cus­to­mers a com­ple­te so­lu­ti­on for the ty­res of its Trucks, we have ex­pan­ded our ran­ge to in­clu­de new tires.

Vi­sit our new on­line-shop to get your new truck ty­res: www.neue-rille.de

All leading tire brands for your truck in the range