Volkmar Hagen

Wholesale of truck tires in Aichach


Used Truck Tires

Al­rea­dy sin­ce 1976 we have been suc­cess­ful with our com­pa­ny and work with com­pe­tent ex­pe­ri­ence. Our com­pa­ny deals with truck ti­res used, truck ti­res retrea­ded / DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res and car­cas­ses for retrea­ding. Cur­r­ent­ly we also sell new ti­res for trucks.

Due to our di­li­gent em­ployees, com­mer­cial com­pe­tence of the com­pa­ny ma­nage­ment and of cour­se re­lia­bi­li­ty, ho­nes­ty, com­pe­tent know­ledge and pro­fes­sio­na­lism, we have be­co­me a suc­cess­ful tire tra­ding com­pa­ny, which also ope­ra­tes internationally.

The car­cass tra­de is our core busi­ness. We are hap­py to sell you car­cas­ses for the retrea­ding of truck ti­res. Our qua­li­fied staff con­sci­en­tious­ly check all car­cas­ses for their sui­ta­bi­li­ty for retrea­ding. Thus, you get tes­ted goods with us, on re­quest, we are also hap­py to your in­di­vi­du­al claims.

If the truck ti­res retrea­ded, it is of cour­se DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res. Our ti­res are stored in our house pro­tec­ted from chan­ging tem­pe­ra­tures, sun­light and mois­tu­re, so you can ex­pect in our ti­res in ex­cel­lent qua­li­ty. Here you will find truck ti­res used, truck ti­res retrea­ded / DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res and used ti­res for ex­port and do­mestic trade.

Buy here — used Truck tires and truck tires retreaded

Worn ti­res are re­vi­ved by the retrea­ding in­dus­try. We of­fer retrea­ded truck ti­res / DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res as well as used ti­res. You can be sure with us high qua­li­ty truck ti­res u.zw. Retrea­ded / DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res and used ti­res for ex­port and do­mestic tra­de. We are hap­py to take ac­count of your per­so­nal re­qui­re­ments and can of­fer you truck ti­res retrea­ded and truck ti­res used.

Of­ten, the full po­ten­ti­al of a truck tire is not com­ple­te­ly ex­haus­ted once it has been re­mo­ved. This me­ans that he still has an in­ta­ct re­si­du­al pro­fi­le that can dri­ve many thousands of mi­les. Of­ten the tire has not been cut yet. Upon re­quest, we can re-cut the fol­lowing ti­res for you: dri­ve ti­res, id­ler and trai­ler tires.

With us you re­cei­ve new as well as used ti­res for ex­port and do­mestic tra­de. Ca­te­go­ry 1 of our used ti­res in­clu­des ti­res with a pro­fi­le depth of six mil­li­me­ters and more. Ca­te­go­ry 2 in­clu­des ti­res with a tread depth bet­ween three and five mil­li­me­ters. Ca­te­go­ry 3 ti­res have a tread depth of one to two mil­li­me­ters and are still good for re-cut­ting. Let us know as clear­ly as pos­si­ble in your re­quest which ti­res you need in particular.

More information about the tires in our range

We can also of­fer you used rims for our used ti­res for ex­port or do­mestic tra­de. An ever-ex­pan­ding part of our pro­duct ran­ge now in­clu­des retrea­ded ti­res, also known as DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res. We also have a wide ran­ge of new tires.

On our web­site you will learn more about the pro­mo­ti­on of DE-mi­ni­mis ti­res. We have re­spon­ded to the gre­at de­mand of our cus­to­mers for an en­vi­ron­ment­al­ly friend­ly and at the same time af­ford­a­ble truck tire so­lu­ti­on so that we can of­fer you every stan­dard size in the area of ​​DE-mi­ni­mis tires.

Working tog­e­ther with the lea­ding com­pa­nies in the Eu­ro­pean retrea­ding in­dus­try, we can al­ways of­fer you ti­res of out­stan­ding qua­li­ty. In ad­di­ti­on, you can also buy ti­res with slight er­rors in ex­port qua­li­ty from us.

More information about retreaded tires

Re­ma­nu­fac­tu­red ti­res are a cheap al­ter­na­ti­ve to new ti­res and are ide­al for bud­get-con­scious hau­liers who still care about good qua­li­ty. The pro­duc­tion of retrea­ded ti­res is rea­li­zed in a spe­cial pro­duc­tion pro­cess. In this tire re­cei­ve new pro­fi­led treads or are ba­ked in a mold. Retrea­ded ti­res are the­re­fo­re in­cre­a­singly be­co­m­ing a sup­plier of qua­li­fied tire pro­vi­ders as we are. We of­fer the retrea­ded ti­res with all pos­si­ble rim dia­me­ters. In ad­di­ti­on, they are avail­ab­le in dif­fe­rent pro­fi­le depths. 

All leading tire brands for your truck in the range